Dearly Departed Roystonians Remembered at ‘All Souls Day Service’

On Sunday (29th Oct) the newly ordained vicar of St. John’s Parish Church in Royston performed his first major function there in the newly reopened ecclesiastical building that was sadly fire stricken almost five years ago.
Dr. Steven Sivyer, aided by Assistant Priest, The Reverend John Fidler, conducted an All Souls Day evening service of private grief in tribute to past Roystonians, some of 20 years or more ago. As each name was read out a candle was lit in remembrance on a cross laid near the altar. Passages from the readings of St. John and St Peter were recited, and after the service, the congregation was invited up to show their respects.
“It is a privilege for the Church to be able to offer this time and space for people in their hope and grief,” commented the Reverend Sivyer.
This Sunday, 5th November, it’s “Grill a Vicar”, an opportunity to meet the new incumbent and ask him anything you’d like to know about himself or the Church. There will be a family friendly service with songs and stories, followed by tea and a chat.
On Saturday 2nd of December, the annual switch on of the Christmas Tree lights will take place at 10 am, with mulled wine and mince pies in abundance, and in the evening at 7pm there will be popular music and song from an earlier age with ‘Milady Clare’s Musicke’, a group that specialises in folk ballads. Doors open at 6.30 pm and tickets are £10 in advance from ruth_savage or £12 on the door. Mulled Wine and Mince Pies.
The historic Church dates from the 13th century and the Nave and aisles, which were built in 1250, formed the quire and sanctuary of a much larger building which was part of the vast Augustinian Priory. Thankfully, this section was undamaged by the fire which was mainly confined to the roof area.