If I was stranded on a desert island, there is only one thing I’d have to have (apart from mascara!). 
Garlic, lovely fresh garlic. It is such a massive taste enhancer in any recipe, it is also SO good for you.
The benefits of this delicious bulb? It helps strengthen the immune system, contains mood boosting vitamin B6, helps regulate blood sugars and blood pressure, can prevent and treat heart disease, helps treat fevers, coughs/colds, aids digestion, is a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antioxidant, lowers cholesterol, helps release toxins from the liver, prevents and improves acne, improves iron and zinc absorption, is known to prevent some cancers!
I could go on…
How to get this little miracle into your diet: homemade hummus, guacamole or salad dressing mixed with good olive oil, roast a whole bulb with tomatoes to make a rich pasta sauce, add to omelettes, shepherd’s pie or gravy. Enjoy!
Jane Casey has been a registered nurse since 1999, and is a qualified wellness coach. She takes a holistic, compassionate and realistic approach which strikes the right balance, for you.
Contact Jane to find out more:
Email: janecaseywellness@outlook.com Website: janecaseywellnesscoaching.com Instagram: janecaseycoach
Please mention The Listing when calling.