Royston Health Walks

Royston Health Walks
Royston Health Walks is an independent social walking group.
We have a number of different walks every Wednesday all of which start at The Heath Café, Baldock Road, Royston, SG8 5BG.
We have 2 walks at 10am, a leisurely walk over Therfield Heath covering about 1½ miles and a slow/flat walk. Both are opportunities to get a bit of exercise, have a chat and meet new people. The groups come together at the Café for a brew around 11am, please feel free to join us even if it’s just for the brew.
Our Wednesday afternoon walk is a bit more challenging and a little longer (about 2 miles).
From May to September the start time is 5pm but changes to 2pm for the rest of the year. We end up at the Café for a brew.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us regardless of age, level of fitness and in principle state of health, even if it’s only for the refreshments

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