
Angels Autism & ADHD Support

Angels supports families of children with Autistic Spectrum Condition and/or ADHD.

  • Group meetings, workshops and individual support for parents/ carers
  • Find support
  • Share ideas, experiences and concerns
  • Reduce isolation
  • Help your child reach their potential

Parent Online support sessions available, details on the website

01462 685150
Black Squirrel Credit Union

Black Squirrel Credit Union

Your local Credit Union: a financial co-operative for you to save money safely and borrow money affordably.

Saturday Mornings 9-9.30am

Royston Evangelical Church by appointment.


Cambridgeshire ACRE Village Agents

You can find our friendly Village Agents at 'MACS Cozy Corner', a Timebank run community group focussed on providing a safe, warm and welcoming space to meet, socialise and take part in activities. MACS Cozy Corner meets at Vicarage Close Community Hall, Vicarage Close, Melbourn, Royston, SG8 6DY ///wriggle.irrigated.craftsman . on Monday and Thursday, 12pm - 3pm.

A confidential and completely free service, with a focus on assisting you with identifying entitled benefits, completing forms, submitting blue badge applications, understanding confusing paperwork, and connecting you with local groups and other organisations that can provide additional help and advice.  All  Village Agents are DBS checked and maintain strict confidentiality.

If you or someone you know could benefit from their support, self-referrals are welcome, or professionals can make referrals using our easy Village Agent Referral Form.

If you're a resident of Melbourn and the surrounding area and want to learn more about Village Agents and Cambridgeshire ACRE’s community wellbeing work, please contact us.

Rachel Mason at 01353 865025
Citizens Advice North Hertfordshire & District – Melbourn

Local charity, available to all, offering free confidential help and support
See us at Melbourn Community Hub on a Wednesday morning from 9.30am to 11.30am
We are also at Royston Town Hall on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9.30am to 12noon.
You can just drop-in and see us!
If you prefer to contact us in advance, you can leave a message by calling 01462 689801, and we will get back to you.

There is also a wealth of information on our website.

National Advice line number:03444 111 444
Citizens Advice North Hertfordshire & District – Royston

Local charity, available to all, offering free confidential help and support

In Royston, we are at the Town Hall on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9.30am to 12noon.  We are also at Melbourn Community Hub on a Wednesday morning from 9.30am to 11.30am. You can just drop-in and see us!
If you prefer to contact us in advance, you can leave a message by calling 01462 689801, and we will get back to you.

There is also a wealth of information on our website.

National Advice line number:03444 111 444
Crossroads Care

Our aim is to provide quality support services to Family Carers and those people they care for. We aim to provide a one stop shop for all the support that carers require. From advice and information to practical support such as respite care, homecare and volunteer service

01462 455578
Healthy Hub North Herts

A one-stop shop where you can access health services, support and advice, making it easier to get help with a range of issues that affect your physical and mental health.

Regular free activity sessions in Royston for adults and children

01462 474111

Home-Start Royston, Buntingford & South Cambridgeshire is a local charity offering free, tailored, and confidential support to families with at least one child aged 9 or under, in Royston, Buntingford and the SG8 villages of South Cambridgeshire.

Our vision is to see a society where every local parent has the necessary support to give their children the best possible start in life.

We recruit and train volunteers with parenting experience to provide practical and emotional help to families; helping to improve their mental health and self-esteem.

We also partner with other organisations to ensure local families can access other support.

Unit 6 Valley Farm, Station Road, Meldreth, nr Royston, Herts, SG8 6JP

01763 262262
Make Lunch Club

Make Lunch is a club for families to connect with each other, share a meal and have fun! On your first visit you will be greated by our team leader who will help you to feel welcome. Our volunteers will entertain your children with games and activities so you can relax and enjoy your meal.

Make Lunch Holiday Club is for you if your children are eligible for free school meals or you’re struggling on a tight budget at the moment! We ask all of our families to register for Make Lunch by completing a short, online form. Please contact us for more information and to register your family.

Our fun sessions include lunch, crafts, games and special events for the children. Our club is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 12noon till 1.30pm during school holidays. Feel free to go out for a bit and leave your kids or join in yourself!

All children (and adults) are welcome, but we do ask that children under 4 are accompanied by an adult.

The Old Schoolhouse, 4 Market Hill, Royston, SG8 9JL

01763 230350
Melbourn Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club Networking Group

The Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Clubs are groups of all arms, serving and veterans of Her Majesties Armed Forces and her allies, who meet regularly to break bread together in a safe, social, informal environment, to allow them to ‘return to the tribe’.

The events are FREE to attend - No subscriptions or fees.  Buy your own breakfast, meet old comrades and new friends, and indulge in some good old military banter.

The Melbourn Breakfast Club meets on the 1st Sunday morning of the month from 10am at The Dolphin Public House, 105 High Street, Melbourn, SG8 6AP

01763 226004
Melbourn Spiritual Pursuits

Previously Royston Spiritual Group, Melbourn Spiritual Pursuits will be meeting two Fridays a month and aims to help uplift the negativity we have been experiencing in the last few years.
It will help with the isolating effects that we had with us since the pandemic we will have 1st class mediums and healers to help the emotional needs of people in need.
Meeting 2 Fridays per month, 7.30pm doors open 7.15pm
For more information ring Carlos at 07913 144 504 The venue is All Saints Community Hall, Melbourn, Royston, Herts SG8 6DX

Carlos, 07913 144 504
Melbourn Timebank

Timebanking is a way for local people to come together and help each other by exchanging knowledge, help and skills. Everyone has something to offer a Timebank from making a cake, picking up a prescription, walking their dog, doing some gardening, visiting someone for a cup of tea, welcoming new residents to the village, whatever you do will make a difference to the person that needs your help.

Come and join us at one of our events and you could get involved and help each other in our community!

You could offer a lift, mow a lawn, befriend a neighbour or even crochet a Dementia Forgetmenot... the ways to help are endless.

Other interest groups and events supported by Timebank:

Doggie Disco - first Monday of the month, 6-7pm at The Dolphin

Dog Caffe - Tuesdays 10am-12noon at The Dolphin

Wednesday Wellbeing Walks - 10.30am from Melbourn Hub

Coffee Morning - Thursdays, 10am-12noon at The Dolphin

MACS Food Bank 10am-12noon and Cozy Corner 12noon-3pm on Mondays and Thursdays at Vicarage Close Community Hall

Memory Café (Community support for Dementia): once per month Saturdays 2-4pm @ Meldreth Village Hall

Arts & Crafts group: at Cozy Corner

Games Night: Once per month Mondays 7pm  @ The Black Horse

ITAV - Parents Support Group

Solo Sunday Lunches every month

For more information about these events/groups or to confirm dates and venues and to join Melbourn Timebank please contact us


Stephanie Trayhurn: 07483 176929
Mobile Warden Scheme

The Morden Scheme helps the elderly and vulnerable people living in the Mordens, Litlington and Bassingbourn to be as self-sufficient as possible and continue to live happy and independent lives.

A Warden telephones each member every weekday morning to confirm that they are safe and well. If they can’t get a reply, then there is an escalation process using nominated friends or relatives.

Each member is visited by a Warden at an agreed time every week. In addition to a friendly chat, the Warden will ensure that there are no new health or safety issues and will follow up on outstanding matters.

The Warden will also liaise with health or welfare organisations as required, and provide additional help, for example collecting a prescription, emergency shopping or completing a form.

For more details on how to apply either for yourself, a friend, neighbour or relative visit or call 07841 025107

The Warden, 07841 025107
NCT- Royston Branch

If you’re a young family in Royston you will be pleased to know that we now have our own local NCT activities going on, all open to both members and non-members and mostly free of charge. NCT charity aims to provide support to the many new mums, dads, and babies in Royston and local villages. Information and support in pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood.

Baby Cafe on Fridays 10.00am-12 noon at the Old Bull Inn, Royston, which includes free breastfeeding support


Other activities in various locations - see Facebook page for details.

020 8752 2437

Arts therapies and affordable counselling for children and young people aged 0-25 years

Parkinson’s Thursday Morning Club

Parkinsons UK, North Hertfordshire and Stevenage Branch invite those living with Parkinson’s, their companions, and friends to join fun, informal singing workshops run by musician and choir leader Linda Bance

ParkinSing fun informal singing and voice coaching workshop with choir leader Linda Bance will be held on Thursdays. ParkinSing will be alternating with other sessions which will include activities and speakers to help you live well with Parkinson's.

Heritage Hall, Royston Town Hall

Every Thursday 10.30am-12noon

07753 636443

RDCT provide an essential service to people in Royston and the surrounding area who are unable to drive themselves or use public transport due to age, frailty, impaired mobility, or do not have the use of a car to get to health appointments, day centres and social trips. We offer low cost door-to-door transport by car and mini-bus and MPV, both of which are adapted to take wheelchairs.

RDCT is a registered charity who rely on funding from local government but also from donations from local businesses and the general public. Please get in touch if you are willing and able to offer support, or if you would like to be a volunteer driver.

Office hours 9am - 3pm Monday - Friday.

Contact 01763 245228

Society for people with learning difficulties and their carers. New members welcome. Various events and trips run throughout the year, please see our website or get in contact for more information.

Tuesday Club is held every fourth Tuesday in the month, 6:30-8:30pm, in the Harris Room at Coombes Community Centre in Royston

Those who have been attending are enjoying arts and crafts and playing board games.  We would dearly love to see more of our members taking part.
Any enquiries please contact Janet on 07840 864931 -

or Linda Hall on 07767 847796 -

Call Janet on 07840 864931
Royston & District Parkinsons Group 

Cafe last Tuesday of each month in The Old Bull High Street Royston from 10.00-12.00

Exercise every Tuesday in Royston leisure Centre from 12.30-1.30

Walking Football every Wednesday in Royston Leisure Centre

Activity Group every Thursday in the Town Hall from 10.00-11.00


Further details from Jean Green 07715 275918
Royston Community Association

A voluntary organisation formed in 1976 to promote social, welfare and recreational activities for people of all ages living in Royston and the surrounding area. The RCA run the Coombes Community Centre.

Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT

01763 248081

A warm, friendly atmosphere where up to 25 older disabled or housebound can socialise. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 10am - 1pm.
Royston Old Barn, 61 Upper King Street, Royston SG8 9AZ

Sharon, 01763 244229

Food Bank/Community Cafe - Wednesdays 9-11am
Food Bank - Saturdays 9-11am

Donations are always welcome at other times, when the church building is open for other activities.

Royston Evangelical Church, York Way, Royston SG8 5HJ

Royston Health Aid

Health Aid Royston is a registered local charity managed by a board of trustees made up of residents local to the town of Royston.
Our aim is to assist with medical and general health problems where the NHS or Local Authority are unable to help.
If you think we could help you with a problem please email us in the first instance, if we believe we can help we will then send you an application form.

Royston Parkinson’s Cafe

Come and join us for a cuppa and a chat. Our friendly group meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 10.30am. New members are welcome, get in touch with Jean for further information.

Parking is available, Tea or coffee and biscuits are provided at a cost of £3.00

There are a few steps in the pub to get to our dedicated area.
Monthly on the last Tuesday, 10.30 until 11.30am
The Old Bull Inn Royston, 56 High Street, Royston SG8 9AW

Jean Green 01763 249886

A friendly social group for all registered childminders, activities, stories, singing, juice and biscuits.

Every Monday, 9.15-11.15am.

In the Guide HQ, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7HP

Samantha Treharne, 07796 260629

The Listing publishes and maintains a directory of useful local numbers, clubs and societies, business networking, activities for children and families, and places to visit to help connect our community within the SG8 area.

Simply find what you’re looking for by using the drop-down menus above, or the main search bar.

We also publish our “What’s On…” events calendar and a calendar of clubs and society meetings, along with our regular articles.

Need to make an update or add your organisation to our Directory? Please contact The Listing using this form

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Visit the Children and Families Directory for services, activities and events.