Children and Families
Health and Wellbeing
Service and Social
The Orwell Singers are a very enthusiastic and fun choir that welcomes everyone, with no audition being required.
We hold local concerts three times a year, with a variety of music styles from light hearted to classical.
Our new Musical Director Geoff Page has quickly settled in and is a gifted musician, choir master and composer. He has introduced the choir to musical pastures new, including some of his own compositions.
We meet at 7.30 pm on Mondays, at Barrington Village Hall, with Spring, Summer and Christmas terms.
Our website address below gives more background information and what’s in store for our next concert.
Outside of the Box supports the young people of Royston, Hertfordshire and surrounding areas who are struggling to access education. We offer an alternative option for personal development in a fully inclusive environment. We aim to offer a combination of life skills, tutor sessions and vocational qualifications tailored to each child.
Looking for a fun and unforgettable way to celebrate your child's special day? Look no further!
Our exclusive Kids Pamper Parties are the perfect way to treat your little ones to a day of pampering and fun with their friends.
Park Farm Forest school provides outdoor learning opportunities for children with activities including Making dens, tying knots and using ropes and tarpaulins; climbing trees, playing games, using hand tools (including whittling, chopping and cutting), investigating things around the farm, building fires and cooking over an open fire; planting trees, hedges and flowers and, hopefully, learning how to love and appreciate nature.
Saplings Holiday Club – 5-12 year olds
Home Education Sessions – 4-12 year olds
Seedlings Toddler Group - 0-5 years
Birthday Parties (up to 20 children)
Parkinsons UK, North Hertfordshire and Stevenage Branch invite those living with Parkinson’s, their companions, and friends to join fun, informal singing workshops run by musician and choir leader Linda Bance
ParkinSing fun informal singing and voice coaching workshop with choir leader Linda Bance will be held on Thursdays. ParkinSing will be alternating with other sessions which will include activities and speakers to help you live well with Parkinson's.
Heritage Hall, Royston Town Hall
Every Thursday 10.30am-12noon
Free tutoring in English and Maths for students who are struggling at school.
For families who receive Free School Meals.
Located at The Old Schoolhouse, 4 Market Hill, Royston, SG8 9JL
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Perfect Aim Archery is a family run business passionate about spreading the joy of archery to as many people as possible. Archery is an experience that can be enjoyed by almost everyone and it is our mission to spread a little archery happiness!
There are many benefits including physical strength and co-ordination but equally importantly, archery can help with confidence, self esteem, resilience, focus and relaxation.
Tuesdays, 4-5pm Litlington Recreation Centre, 8-16 years (Year 4 - 11)
Tuesdays from 3:30 pm in term time.
Drama, dance and singing classes for children 4+
Located at The Old Schoolhouse, 4 Market Hill, Royston, SG8 9JL
Petersfield Church of England Aided Primary School,
Hurdleditch Rd,
Near Royston.
Phoenix Chorus are a premiere barbershop chorus based in Biggleswade. We sing and perform 4-part close-harmony songs with a sprinkling of dance and pizazz!! We love to sing in the community but our passion lies in competition and we’re proud to have represented our association and our country everywhere from Sheffield to Hawaii!!
Formed almost 50 years ago, we’re a group of female performers who welcome new members with open arms and minds.
We rehearse at Stratton School, Biggleswade, Tuesdays 7.30pm.
Come and visit, you’ll be very welcome
Contact us via the form below or call Fiona
You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. For example, if:
- Your car has been stolen
- Your property has been damaged
- You suspect drug use or dealing in your neighbourhood
Or to:
- Give the police information about crime in your area
- Speak to the police about a general enquiry
You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.
Wednesdays 6 - 7pm (course - check website for dates)
Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT
Printing Workshop At Royston Museum
Join talented local artist Liz Beardwell and print your own lino cut designs on the 1855 Royston Crow Newspaper Printing Press. No prior experience necessary. Fortnightly, Tuesday mornings 10am-12noon. Royston Museum, 5 Lower King Street, Royston SG8 5AL
A Green Flag Award winning large, attractive enclosed park, surrounded by mature trees, hedging and walls, with junior and toddler play areas, a splash park open from May to September, and green open spaces.
Open daily.
Melbourn Street, Royston, SG8
A chance to catch up with your sewing (Un-Finished Objects (UFOs) and an opportunity to meet other quilters. Meeting on the first Tuesday of the month at Royston Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, SG8 9LB. 7.30-9.30pm. All welcome. Refreshments available.
All Stars Programme (Sundays 10am - 12noon).
Colts aged 7+ playing U9's , U11's & U13's & U15's
Herts & Cambs. Adults 3 Teams on Saturdays in Saracens Herts Cricket Leagues.
Sundays friendlies & National Village Cup.
New members both playing or non playing of all ages welcome. Adults evening training see website. Reed Cricket Club, The Green, Reed, SG8 8AX
Reed First School
Jackson's Lane Reed Royston, Herts SG8 8AB
2nd Wednesday of the month
2-4pm Reed Village Hall, Blacksmith's Lane, Reed, Royston SG8 8AX
A small group all welcome
Blacksmith Lane, Reed SG8 8AX
Reed Village Hall is situated opposite the picturesque green and central to the Village, with facilities to seat and cater for up to 100 people the hall is an excellent choice for Weddings, parties and all types of function.
The Hall was built in 1933 by the villagers of Reed with land donated by the late Mrs Turney.
A fundraising organisation, organising street collections & manning stalls.
Meet at Royston Environs
Monday evenings, bi-monthly.
Roman Way First School
Burns Road
We meet weekly for fun and fellowship, but we also make a serious contribution to our community – locally, nationally and internationally. Kite Festival, Youth Makes Music, Technology Tournament, and Swimathon, Polio Plus – all that’s us! We’re part of the worldwide Rotary movement.
We welcome new membership enquiries from both men and women.
We meet most Tuesdays, at 6.45pm.
Royston Golf Club, Baldock Road, Royston, Herts., SG8 5BG
Royston Service and ex-service and non-service are welcome to meetings/socials.
Meet on the first Tues every month
Eternit Sports & Social Club
Whaddon Road, ROYSTON, SG8 5RL
The Roysia Share Club which has about 10 members has been running in the town for over 20 years and meets in the Old School House, Royston once a month on the 3rd Wednesday at 8pm.
The main purpose of the club is to join together to learn much more about how stock markets work and to make joint investments in stocks and shares, and other investments.
Each member makes a monthly investment of £25 which is pooled with other members’ monthly investments to buy and sell shares.
If you are looking to learn more about the Stock Market, this is the Club for you.
If you are interested, contact Keith Truman on 07843 418 993 or email

The Listing publishes and maintains a directory of useful local numbers, clubs and societies, business networking, activities for children and families, and places to visit to help connect our community within the SG8 area.
Simply find what you’re looking for by using the drop-down menus above, or the main search bar.
We also publish our “What’s On…” events calendar and a calendar of clubs and society meetings, along with our regular articles.
Need to make an update or add your organisation to our Directory? Please contact The Listing using this form

Visit the Children and Families Directory for services, activities and events.