Be Sustainable This March

Be Sustainable This March

Spring Cleaning is upon us. It’s time to whisk away all those cobwebs and get into the darkest of corners.

Simple homemade cleaning products save a small fortune, smell more natural and don’t add to the waste mountain. A good all-round cleanser is: one part white vinegar, one part water, the rind of one lemon and a few rosemary sprigs. Pour these into a recycled spray bottle, shake, and then let it infuse for a week before using. Caution: Don’t use acidic cleaners on granite or marble as they will etch the stone!

Foodwaste Action Week is from 7th to 13th March. Chucking away good food is a huge waste of the resources, energy and water used to produce and store that food and has a large carbon footprint. As individuals and families we really can make a big difference by only buying the food we really need, always using food up before its “Use By” date, and don’t forget to Love Your Leftovers!

Set aside a weekend for planting out potatoes either in a vegetable bed or reusable grow bags, or even a pile of old car tyres! This is also a good time to plant our strawberries and sow sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Visit the Community Garden on 12th March 2 to 4pm to get stuck in and learn more about planting in Spring.

The global annual Earth Hour is March 26th this year. From 8.30 to 9.30pm turn off unnecessary lights and tech and play family games by lamplight instead of your usual Saturday night TV routine. If it’s a fine evening go for a Night Hike or spend the hour wrapped in a blanket, Stargazing from your garden and just enjoying the moment.

Sustain-Ability Team