Be Sustainable in September

Be Sustainable in September

It’s Organic September!

For those of you who have been able to grow fruit and vegetables over this summer (against all the odds) you’ll be enjoying the wonderful flavours of food produced for quality rather than quantity. I do hope your veggie patches survived the hot weather – mine’s toast! – but if not even basic supermarkets offer some organic ranges and they are not that expensive.

From Friday 16th to Sunday 25th September the Marine Conservation Society is organising the Great British Beach Clean. Having spent some marvellously hot and sunny days on the beach now is the time to give them a spruce up before the autumn sets in.

If you can’t get to a beach there are plenty of open spaces such as our parks and Therfield Heath which will benefit from a good litter pick and these results can also be logged with MCS. Even if you’re just out for a stroll with the dog think about taking a bag with you to collect any bits of litter you might come across. If everyone does it our natural habitats will be sparkling! And please remember, always take home your own rubbish and recycling.

22nd September is World Car Free Day, when some towns and cities around the world offer their citizens the opportunity to enjoy the freedom of their streets without cars. Even if this isn’t happening in your neighbourhood plan your day to avoid taking the car. Allow extra time to walk or cycle to your destination, look around at your environment and enjoy the fresh air.

Sustain-Ability Team