We hope you’re enjoying/enjoyed the Sustain-Ability Fair as part of the Royston Arts Festival on Saturday 28th September at Priory Memorial Gardens, Royston.
Here are some ideas for how to continue living sustainably…
LOG YOUR HOG! As those hedgies start trundling around our gardens they can be recorded on Hedgehog Street at:
www.bighedgehogmap.org Take care while you’re getting your garden ready for winter. Leave a heap of twigs and leaves in a corner for them to nest in and make sure there’s no litter lying around. We’re all fantastic at recycling, but it can easily blow over the fence and into the garden. As the weather gets colder leave a little specialist hedgehog food, wet dog food or even crushed, high protein kibble for your spiky visitors.
Take part in an Autumn Safari on your way to and from school! International Walk To School Month has an interesting twist this year with activities that can be adapted to the playground for those who cannot walk to school. Go to Living Streets to find information and an activity sheet: www.livingstreets.org.uk/walk-to-school-month
Oh no, not again! It’s your annual reminder to switch off and turn down! Personal financial costs aside, heating and hot water literally cost the earth. If you’re considering replacing your boiler there are grants available for air source heat pumps: www.gov.uk/apply-boiler-upgrade-scheme/what-you-can-get
For a budget solution unpack those warm woolly pullies and Nordic socks and invest in a pair of fluffy mukluks. If you’re crafty, knit or crochet a cozy afghan to fold on the sofa ready to cuddle under in the evenings. (pictured, Afghan by Amy Judd)

Let’s do this! The Sustain-Ability Team
www.roystonenvironmentalgroup.org.uk – www.facebook.com/Royston-Environmental-Group