From your Sustain-Ability Team… 
Hooray for No Mow May! At last we have an excuse to abandon the tools (or send them to be repaired and serviced) and kick back to watch the pollinators take over the garden. There are so many wonders to be seen in the longer grass and flowers: myriad of butterflies, bees and beetles. The little Smooth Newt in the photo was a big surprise, especially as he played dead to begin with! Do be cautious about invasive weeds and pull up any that look to be taking over. Dog Violets are very pretty, but have a tendency to go mad and choke your perennials. Go to Plantlife’s page to discover how your lawn can be part of a wider movement:
International Compost Awareness Week runs from 5th to 11th May highlighting the benefits of using compost and composting your garden and food waste. You don’t need a lot of space and by not dumping food and garden waste in landfill we reduce the amount of methane produced. Methane is a greenhouse gas twenty-five times stronger than CO2. Go to: for more information and join the compost collaboration.
Walk to School Week begins 20th May. Discover nature, friends and fitness as you walk or wheel to school and maybe continue for longer afterwards. If you’re a primary teacher go to for resources and information on how to get your class moving!
May half term is National Children’s Gardening Week, 25th May to 2nd June. Visit for helpful info to encourage children to get into the garden and get growing. Look out for an event near you!