Be Sustainable in May 
It’s celebration time! This month we have no less than three bank holidays to embrace and fill with mostly weather-dependent activities.
Some might be organising or attending a street party for the Coronation, while others will happily retreat to their plots and make the most of an extra day’s gardening. No Mow May has become a well-known part of our annual planning and our gardens and local environment will benefit hugely from not being assaulted by the lawnmower for a month.
Every year we celebrate National Vegetarian Week, which falls between 15th and 21st May. You will probably remember it being mentioned in a previous article, but this is such an important part of reducing our carbon footprint it does bear repeating. There are so many considerations when buying food and this website will help you make sustainable choices.
Visit to discover supporters, tips and recipes, and learn how eating vegetarian genuinely can help reduce carbon and save our planet.
Enticing pollenating insects to your garden can be a fun activity for the whole family. Making bug hotels from reclaimed timber and garden debris combined with allowing the grass to grow will encourage a wide variety of bees, bugs and butterflies, bringing a host of colour to the early summer.
Now that the days are longer and the frosts are generally over and done with, May is a bountiful time for planting seeds such as sprouting broccoli, carrots and green beans out of doors, and any greenhouse plants – courgettes and cucumbers – will do very well under glass or a repurposed plastic frame. It’s a great time to think about sowing pots and window boxes with fragrant herbs and leaves such as, basil, dill and rocket.
So grab a delicious vegetarian picnic and head outdoors to enjoy nature’s greatest show.