Be Sustainable in May…

Be Sustainable in May

Folklore says that on the 1st of May you should wash your face in the morning dew to keep your complexion fresh and lovely throughout the year. Probably as reliable an endorsement as any overpriced skin cream!

Embrace No Mow May! Not only because you don’t need to heave the mower out of the shed for a whole month, but because all the pretty meadow plants and flowers get to have their days in the sun. Your lawn doesn’t have to be a swathe of solid, manicured green to look beautiful and just think of that reduced carbon footprint.
National Vegetarian Week falls 16th to 22nd May and is a great opportunity to try new plant-based products and dishes.

Visit to register your interest, discover exciting new recipes and learn how eating vegetarian can help save the planet.

20th May is World Bee Day. Where would we all bee without them? Not all species of bee live in hives and some do not sting. Masonary bees are gentle creatures who burrow into your wall. Install a few “bee bricks”, drilled through with holes to encourage them to nest, and make a Bee B&B: Making a bug hotel will encourage a variety of pollenating insects to your garden. If you don’t have a garden you could still fix one to an outside wall and look out for your tiny new tenants.

In May, now that the soil is warmer, it’s time to sow beetroot seeds outdoors. Also plant out your tomato and pumpkin plants and set up a time-lapse camera for a few days to watch them grow before your eyes!

Sustain-Ability Team