Be Sustainable in June

World Environment Day is fifty years old this year!
Monday, 5th June sees the anniversary of this UN initiative to raise awareness of global environmental issues, such as the depletion of the ozone layer and global warming. Now the biggest threat is plastic with more than 800 marine and coastal species affected by this pollution through ingestion, entanglement, and other associated dangers. Reducing plastic use in every aspect of our lives is probably the most significant step we can take towards cleaning our oceans.
World Refill Day on 16th June 2023 is calling on businesses, brands and governments to join the refill and reuse revolution and help make single-use plastics a thing of the past. At home, a great way of reducing plastic waste is to buy liquid concentrates and reuse your spray bottles for the diluted mixture. Better yet, mix a simple cleaning solution using white vinegar, water, lemon zest and fresh herbs in your repurposed container and avoid the use of harsh chemicals and more plastics.
Now that we can really enjoy being in our gardens many gardeners have surplus plants and seedlings. Use your social media to join a plant swap group and exchange your plants for others to bring variety to your veggies and colour to your flower beds.
If your garden is overrun with wild garlic here’s a great recipe for a delicious pesto: a few generous handfuls of wild garlic leaves, a handful of toasted walnuts, 100ml of rapeseed oil, a handful of grated parmesan, a splash of lemon juice, salt & pepper. Blitz until smooth and pop in a jar with a little oil to seal the paste. Store in a cool place and stir into cooked pasta for a tasty supper!