Be Sustainable in July by Royston Environmental Group…

It’s Plastic Free July! Even with new legislation, there is still a lot of single use plastic about…

Plastic Free July encourages us to make changes in our everyday plastic use. 

There’s a useful quiz that offers alternatives to our usual shopping habits. Invite your friends and family to a Plastic Free Picnic. Don’t automatically reach for the pots of humous on the supermarket shelves. Find a recipe and make your own from tinned chickpeas, garlic, tahini and olive oil. If you are going to a barbecue or potluck meal, make your contribution at home from scratch rather than resorting to ready made from the store. Smaller, independent food shops will be happy to sell you the amount of fresh ingredients you need instead of having to buy larger amounts in plastic trays.

Love Parks Week begins on 26th July and spills over into August. What a wonderful way to celebrate our local green spaces by coming together with your community in a variety of activities. Many local authorities have events planned, but you could get together with friends and neighbours to organise a smaller event in a local public space.

The school summer holidays are approaching fast and sustainable travel is the latest buzzword. If you’re planning a camping holiday or attending a festival, go to to rent quality camping equipment at affordable prices.
We’ve had a great deal of rain recently so our gardens are looking very fresh and green. However, it’s still a good idea to keep those rain barrels in good order just in case we have a dry spell over the summer.

Enjoy the weather, whatever it may bring!

From the Sustain-Ability Team