Be Sustainable in July

Be Sustainable in July

Net Zero Week, 1st to 7th July, is to raise awareness of global warming and how to reduce our carbon emissions to combat the effects of climate change.

At home, there are small changes we can make to tackle those: reduce food waste by using a carefully planned shopping list; resist the urge to buy cheap, fast fashion; cut down on meat and dairy consumption and replace with plant-based alternatives; turn appliances off at the plug – “vampire” devices drain electricity when switched to standby; wash clothes at lower temperatures; consider “active travel” – walk, wheel or cycle to work and school:

With the summer holidays looming, consider researching a low carbon holiday: Travel responsibly by avoiding long haul flights (and short flights too!) Truly low carbon holidays include more than just the transportation to and from the destination, though. To make a substantial impact, reducing greenhouse gas emissions should influence every decision a travel company makes when it plans and runs a trip. Search “Low Carbon Holidays” for a wealth of information on trips within the UK and further afield. At home, Tent Share offers the opportunity to rent camping equipment for your staycation, significantly reducing the cost of equipment that you would otherwise use for only a week or so and cutting down on the amount of new products coming into the marketplace: 

July is the month to enjoy your glorious garden, but preventing your plants from drying out in the summer heat with regular watering will be top of your agenda. Reclaim and reuse water by investing in additional rain barrels, one for each downpipe, and restrict the use of hoses. There’ll still be a few gardening jobs that need doing including putting up a decorative scarecrow and propping up those sunflowers.
Enjoy the fine weather!