Be Sustainable in August

Be Sustainable in August

4th August is Cycle to Work Day!

If you haven’t already been taking advantage of the marvellous weather now is the time to dust off the old jalopy and give it a good once over to make sure that brakes, tyres and lights are in good order. If not, book it in for a service and if it turns out to be uneconomical to repair don’t buy a new bike unless you absolutely need to – good second-hand models pop up on Olio and Facebook Marketplace all the time.

National Allotments Week is 8th to 14th August. After all your hard work over the spring and early summer your little plots will be crammed with courgettes, cucumbers and tomatoes, strawberries and raspberries. A heavy shower can bring on weeds seemingly out of nowhere. This is the time of year when we’re either out every day with the watering can or the trusty weed picker. Try to avoid using hoses – they waste a great deal of water and discourage plants and grass from putting down deeper roots.

With so many of us off to the seaside and other places of interest over the summer holidays, it’s very important that we all do our part to protect our beaches and keep them clean. A grand day out with family or friends is a fantastic opportunity to put into practice all those green skills: a delicious picnic of home-grown salads and locally sourced treats; reusable or recyclable plates and cutlery and, of course, a bag to take all your rubbish and recycling home in!

While you’re there keep an eye out for litter and help keep our coastline and countryside beautiful and safe for wildlife.

Sustain-Ability Team