This year sees the tenth anniversary of Fashion Revolution Week and celebrates with ten days of action from 15th to 24th April. 
The campaign encourages us to demand of our favourite brands, “Who made my clothes?” and insist on fairer wages and better working conditions for textile workers across the globe. It also aims to combat climate issues around clothing manufacture.
Stop Food Waste Day on Wednesday 24th April is an environmental awareness day to challenge food waste, which is estimated at 32% of food purchased every year in the UK which is not eaten. Food waste has a huge environmental impact. It’s estimated that half of the water used to produce this food also goes to waste since agriculture is the largest human use of water. Food waste also releases methane gas which accelerates climate change if not disposed of properly. The target is to halve food waste by 2030. Visit to find a fantastic cookbook pdf from chefs across the world, and take a pledge on social media to reduce your food waste.
Traditionally your seed potatoes should be in the ground by now! (Or in a pile of old tyres, or an old bin) It’s also a good time to sow your butterfly garden with indigenous wildflowers. Don’t be disheartened – it can take a few years to get it fully established.
Please do not put down old leftover slug pellets if you have a hedgehog in your garden. (It is illegal to sell them in the UK now) Hedgies will cheerfully chomp on slugs and other parasites and so are welcome visitors to your garden.
Locally we’re getting into Pasque Flower season! Leave the car at home, pack a plastic-free picnic and take a walk on a fine day across Therfield Heath to see them!