August – News from Therfield Heath & Greens…

The Conservators need you?

For personal reasons Clare Swarbrick has decided to step down as a Conservator this summer, leaving a vacancy after four years. Clare was a driving force for change within the Trust, having been Chair for much of this time and she will be missed.

“I am incredibly proud of what has been achieved in the last 4 years that I have been involved, especially the drive for more transparency in decision making, and openness at meetings and with the general public”

There will be a bi-election on Thursday 12th September at 7pm in the Town Hall and the Conservators are looking for nominations and candidates to step forward and represent the residents of the “Special Drainage District Of Royston”. Nominations can be received up to 5pm on Friday 30th August 2024.

The Conservators would like to thank Clare for her immense contribution over the last four years and look forward to welcoming her back in the future.

We are so lucky to have this unique space on our doorstep and it is incredibly important that volunteers step forward to help preserve and protect our amazing Heath for generations to come.

Knowledge of conservation, land management, property management, charity governance, or common land law is useful but not essential. We are looking for passionate people who care about their community getting the best from the Heath. We are interested in increasing the diversity of the Conservators, to fully represent the local community, and welcoming those of cultural diversity to stand for election.

If you want to find out more about what the role involves email or


Make a difference for people & Nature – Therfield Heath & Greens is the backdrop to Royston, treasured common land, a site of special scientific interest and local nature reserve.

Home to many of Royston’s sports clubs and a favourite dog walking spot, nestled within a rare chalk grassland habitat with specialist wildlife species. The site has a wealth of history with several scheduled monuments and fascinating geology.

For the latest news and updates from Therfield Heath & Greens visit: