A new health and wellbeing service delivered by North Hertfordshire District Council was launched in January.
The healthy hub is a one stop shop where you can access health services, support and advice all in one place, making it easier to get help with a range of physical and mental health issues. Whether it’s stop smoking services, help to lose weight, mental health support, encouragement to get more active or even advice on how to cut down on your drinking – your Healthy Hub can help you.
From 13 January you can access services for the hub by phone on 01462 474111 or email: healthyhub@north-herts.gov.uk.
In March, a pop up hub will launch at dedicated local venues in the towns and villages across the district to enable as many people as possible to attend appointments. Bookable appointments will be available with a health and wellbeing consultant who will be able to provide advice and make referrals to partner organisations where necessary.
From March onwards, regular updates on the whereabouts of the North Herts Hub can be found via the website healthyhubnorthherts.co.uk and on social media:
Instagram: HealthyHubNorthHerts
Twitter: HealthyHubNorthHerts
Facebook: HealthyHubNorthHerts
Councillor Judi Billing, NHDC’s Executive Member for Community Engagement said: “This is a great new initiative, which will help many people across our local communities, offering new activities and access to a range of services to improve wellbeing.”