A Memorable Evening… Royston & District Motorcycle Club Show 2022

A Memorable Evening @ Royston & District Motorcycle Club Show…

The spectacular attendance of 2,500 people created a carnival like atmosphere at the 37th Meldreth Motor Cycle  Charity Display, organised by the Royston and District Motor Cycle Club at the Eternit Sports and Social Centre on Wednesday 15th June.

1,600 entries, including scooters and quads to powerful racing bikes, arrived from all parts of the country to turn the eagerly awaited annual festival into an exciting and memorable family event. There were buses, provided by the local family firm of Myalls, connecting the venue to a park and ride at Whaddon. 30 exhibitors showed off the very latest models, and there were more than ample food vendors, and children’s activities to choose from.

Mark Coningsby, who has held the post of show co-ordinator for the last six years, said that he was not only bowled over by the vast turnout, but also by the many happy, smiling faces present.

The famous local racing bike personality, Steve Parrish, was there signing his autobiography, ‘Parrish News’, and judging the various categories of bikes. David Ward, riding his 1952 Harley Vincent Black Shadow won the Best Bike award.

A staggering £10,500 was raised which will be donated to the East Anglian Air Ambulance Service, and SERV Blood Runners.

Article & photography by Clive Porter