There’s no escaping it, but it’s THAT time of year again! Time to dig out the decorations, sort out the Secret Santa and dial down the consumerism. Here’s an idea to make it fun and sustainable…
STRINSEL! Who needs tacky, metallic plastic tinsel when you can create Strinsel? Originally utilising string, this version uses narrow strips of lightweight fabric to create garlands of washable and reusable colour to keep and add to every year. Don’t buy the fabric – recycle clean clothes and household textiles. Cut two x 2 metre lengths of yarn or string and knot together at each end with a thick knot. Working along the length of the yarn, tie 15 cms x 1 to 2 cms pieces of fabric, ribbon or yarn with a single knot. As you add more strips, push the knotted strips towards one end of the yarn and continue until you can’t possibly squeeze in any more. For an average tree you will need about four lengths. Step back and admire your handiwork. Of course this process is greatly improved by the addition of family and friends, home baked mince pies and mulled wine or a spiced berry cordial.
SHOP LOCAL! If you must have big items, such as phones, tablets and TVs save it until the sales. Santa does not bring expensive tech – there’s no room in the sleigh! Fill the family’s stockings with creative and imaginative gifts from small, local businesses, arrange a Secret Santa for the mid-range stuff and enjoy not maxing your credit card this year.
HEDGEHOGS! Don’t forget to leave out the meaty dog food if you see a spiny friend in your garden. Sometimes it can get a little mild over mid-winter and the poor things get a bit confused and show up early.
Always Log Your Hog!
Have a Creative Christmas!
From The Sustain-Ability Team