If you read my article in last month’s edition, then you’ll know I’ve been nervously waiting for the outcome of some funding applications.
Well, I am thrilled to share that those applications have been successful. Thanks to generous funding from the North Herts Prosperity Fund and the Brian Leslie Racher Trust we’re going to be upgrading both our main Collections Store and our smaller Art Store over the winter. As well as carrying out some maintenance work to the stores, Sophie, our Curator, and I are working with a specialist storage manufacture to design bespoke, Museum-grade shelving and storage. The upgrades will increase our storage capacity by approximately 30% and enable us to better store and care for the Museum’s collections.
In order to carry out all of the planned work, we’ve needed to close to visitors over the winter. Only 5% of our collection is on public display, so to upgrade the stores, we have to move the other 95% of the collection out of the way and into our main exhibition hall.
We’re currently planning on reopening the Museum to visitors ready for half term fun in February.
If you’d like to find out more about what’s happening at the Museum over the winter, then follow us on social media where we’ll be sharing regular updates or sign up to the Museum’s monthly newsletter.
By Emma Canterbury, Royston Museum Manager