Mindful Living by Becky, Chanting Stork Yoga: A World of Opportunities

Mindful Living: A World of Opportunities

Sometimes I am amazed at how far the world has developed over the last 40 (huh hum something) years, that I have been on this planet. Especially the digital age and the opportunities it has offered us.

As this is a BROAD topic, for the sake of this article I’m going to be zooming in on the world of zoom! A bit of technology that suddenly landed in our world and that really fits our modern lifestyles. It enables us to remain social, healthy, learn and grow.

My husband now cycles up mountains all from our kitchen, friends have studied and developed their careers without having to be away from their families and I’ve managed to reach yoga students and teachers across the world.

Being the creative social creatures that we are, having the ability to ‘work out’ or ‘work in’ from the convenience of our home is VERY appealing. Especially at THIS time of the year when we are squeezed on daylight hours to fit everything in.

Don’t get me wrong, I am STILL a real advocate of being in a room with my yoga students, being able to hear others breathe combined with synchronised movement is something tangible we don’t get on a digital platform. But, using zoom to top you up when you can’t make the in-person classes is making the best of both online and offline offerings.

At the end of the day, it’s about our basic human needs. Being able to connect and share a space (on or off-line) with like-minded people, which is not only uplifting for the soul but brings with it a whole heap of physical and mental wellbeing too.

If you fancy joining me on zoom from the convenience of your home and/or for any of my in person classes, check out my timetable

Stay healthy, stay well, zooming out for now….

With love, Becky x

Experienced Yoga Teacher,
Chanting Stork Yoga
FB: chantingstorkyoga