The Friends of Therfield Heath

The Friends of Therfield Heath

The signs of spring are here, snowdrops on Sun Hill Common, catkins on the hazel and silver birch trees, signs of blossom on the cherry plums, one of the earliest flowering trees, but best of all the birds are singing their territorial and courtship songs.

Have you heard “teacher, teacher” the song of the Great Tit? Listen out for the flocks of long tailed tits, as they call to each other, as they forage for food in the trees. On a fine day Larks, a bird that nests on the ground on Therfield Heath, can be seen and heard as they ascend on high. From March through until early summer, we will all need to take care that the larks, along with other ground nesting birds, such as Meadow Pipits, are not disturbed by our ramblings or that of our dogs.

The Friends, because of Covid restrictions have been unable to continue the planned monthly litter picks for the time being, but some wonderful people have been out on their own, or as a family bubble, making sure the litter is cleared. We would like to say a big thankyou! We had a successful quiz via zoom in January and we received several emails saying how much it was enjoyed. We hope to hold another Easter Egg Hunt this year, virtually if needs be, or like the Autumn Bear Hunt on a predetermined trail.Covid permitting we have plans for another Bat walk, Wild flower walks and possibly an evening of Star gazing and many other ideas too.

The committee are pleased to announce that we are now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered charity no 1192972 and we are in the process of registering for Gift Aid.