NCT Royston: Update

NCT Royston: Update.

Due to the latest lockdown, NCT Royston is currently taking a break from our Walk and Talk events, however that does not mean we are taking a break from supporting new parents.

We are fighting loneliness by helping new parents meet each other for 1:1 walks. Join our private WhatsApp group and you can suggest a walk when it’s convenient to you, and someone else in the group can volunteer to join. A great way to meet new friends in the area. To be added to the group, message us on our Facebook page ‘NCT Royston – Bumps & Babies and more’.

We have started sending a regular email newsletter packed full of tips, local recommendations, and exciting family-friendly events happening in the area. Sign up on our Facebook page to receive the next newsletter.

In addition, our local breastfeeding counsellors have been supporting hundreds of new parents over the last year through their online drop-in sessions. Breastfeeding can sometimes be surprisingly difficult. You may find feeding painful, or feel overwhelmed by it all, but help is still available!

Contact via the Facebook page, or email