What are you wishing for this Christmas? 
A radio presenter decided that this would be a good question to pose to a number of world ambassadors. When the British ambassador takes the call, he immediately sees the danger in the question. Not wanting to be seen to be extravagant and showy, or open to bribes, he replies saying, “I would be happy with some aftershave and a new pair of slippers.”
Come Christmas morning, the radio station relays the Christmas wishes of the various world ambassadors, “The French ambassador wishes for world peace this Christmas. The German ambassador wishes for an end to world hunger, and the British ambassador said he would like some aftershave and a new pair of slippers!”
Whilst this may well be an apocryphal story it makes a very striking point – we are far too easily pleased! Perhaps you are wishing for more than slippers and aftershave this Christmas, maybe it’s a car or a Caribbean cruise that tops your wish list but even the tops of our lists are the dregs of an empty barrel when compared to what is offered to us in Jesus Christ. The first Christmas was announced with the words ‘I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people…a Saviour has been born to you.’ (Luke 2:10-11). At Christmas, we often ignore the gift of Jesus, not because our desires are too big but because they are too small! Why not think big this year?