It is now two years since the fire that devastated Royston Parish Church
After all this time we are beginning to see the re-emergence of the building which has been cocooned throughout the period.
It is pleasing to report that, since our last update, work on both the tower and the nave roof has largely been completed and made watertight which has enabled the temporary roof and scaffolding to be removed. Some of the work that has been done is now visible, particularly the stonework and glazing, above the West door as well as the reworking of the clock face together with the erection of the flag pole.
Whilst we are pleased with progress to date, the result of which can now be seen by the community of Royston, there is still a long way to go. Although Phase 2 is not yet complete we are close to agreeing the works required for Phase 3 which includes the remainder of the restoration internally together with the refurbishment we have determined is required to provide a building to serve the community in the 21st century. Work on this phase will commence in the new year.
The other thing that we continue to be truly thankful for is the support both financially and spiritually, from the community of Royston and friends elsewhere. This has manifested itself in the amount of cash donations we have received, amounting to around £60,000, as well as the number of people who supported our market stall in October and December. The “Sponsor a Chair” scheme has also got off to a good start with over £16,000 being received to date.