During the last couple of months, a number of things have been occurring behind the scenes in order to move forward the re-instatement of our beautiful church.
Tenders for the high-level work on the building to initially repair the roof were received, following which work will be commencing resulting in the scaffolding and covering being removed along the nave of the church.
We are also at an advanced stage in determining the re-ordering of the church as architects’ plans are finalised prior to seeking approval from the diocese for the work to be commenced.
A shortlist of seating options to replace the pews has been drawn up and we hope to make a final decision shortly.
The decision has been taken to replace the current damaged pipe organ with a digital one. Steps are now in hand to determine the best option for the current and future needs of church music at St John’s.
We hope to provide further details on each of these in further updates during the year.
In the meantime, we are pleased to report that there has been significant interest in our proposed Sponsor a Chair Scheme as well as offers to acquire some of the old pews.
All this, together with the continued receipt of donations, – now totalling over £42,000 – provides us with great optimism for the future.