Up to £500 in community grants

Ken Frankland is the first recipient of a generous community fund just announced by The Accountancy Practice.
When the local family-run business read about the fire which devastated the lives of a local couple, they wanted to help. Discovering that Ken and his wife Julia were unable to access almost £1000 raised on a GoFundMe account, because Ken’s laptop had been destroyed in the fire, they presented him with a new one purchased from Dave Hart via the local Facebook marketplace. Now the couple can access the vital funds donated by the local community, instigated by caring Coombelands resident Angela Johnson.
David Froggett, Managing Director explains “We wanted to formalise our commitment to the local community and provide regular support to the people and projects which touch our hearts. Something which demonstrates our values of commitment and compassion. We’re putting our money where our mouth is by walking the talk.
“A community fund for the first year of £6,000 has been set aside, providing up to £500 in monthly grants, made up of four quarterly Community Support awards of £500 to groups/individuals who will use the funds for the greater good, plus eight grants of up to £500 from our hardship fund to buy an individual/group something which will make a difference and provide a lifeline.”
Grateful recipient Ken said ‘This puts Royston at the top of the league as far as I am concerned, the way everyone has rallied round for someone they don’t know. It takes my breath away just thinking about it’