Community News: The Friends of Therfield Heath

The Friends of Therfield Heath

Thank you to everyone who came to the Friends quiz evening in February.

We raised more than enough money to buy Cat the ranger and her Heath volunteers another tree popper to help keep the scrub at bay on the Heath. The remainder of the monies will go towards funding the next project.

A big thank you as well goes to the Heath Café and those who donated such a fabulous wide range of raffle prizes; Prep world, Tesco, Royston Picture Palace, Mia Caro, Shepreth Wildlife Park, Days Bakers, Bury Lane Farm, Jane Manlove, Sandra Ready, Cat Wright, Pam Wright and Janet Rossignol-Bubbins all deserve a mention.

Our first “free for members” event takes place at the end of March. Details will be included in the members newsletter for March. The Friends are hoping that we can continue to enhance membership of the Friends by arranging more “free for members” events in the future.

What’s On
Litter Pick. Sunday 12th March. Help keep Therfield Heath clean by joining the litter pick organised by The Friends of Therfield Heath. Find us by the tennis courts. Collect your rubbish bags and litter pickers between 9.30-10.30am. Return by 12noon at the latest. Hand in your equipment and collect a voucher for a free hot or soft drink from the Heath Café to be used that day. Please wear suitable clothing for the weather.

29th March. Free Event for members of The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens. “The Trials and Tribulations of Invertebrate Identification. Getting to know the garden visitors over lockdown.” Speaker Nick Beale. Details of how to register for this event in the next member’s newsletter.

To find out more about The Friends of Therfield Heath and Greens and how we support the Heath and for this month’s events visit: