Royston ACF

Royston ACF situated behind the Fire station has been developing young people physically and mentally, improving self-confidence, teamwork, friendship and leadership since the 1960s. Our motto “To Inspire to Achieve” is at the heart of what we do. We welcome cadets and potential adult instructors of all abilities and backgrounds. It also aims to develop a sense of community in its cadets.
The ACF provides a wide diversity of fun, exciting and adventurous opportunities and is a gateway to recognised vocational qualifications from the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme to BTEC First Diplomas which can help in working and school life.
The Weekend Training Centre is situated at Bassingbourn Barracks, with Hertfordshire being the “Home” of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Army Cadet Force. The multipurpose Centre is a weekend training centre sleeping 100 Cadets and Instructors with classrooms, a .22 range, dining hall and Combined Adult Mess and the home for Beds and Herts Core of Drums. As this is an Army Barracks, we also have the use of the training area where Cadets and Adults can practice their fieldcraft skills with blank rounds and pyrotechnics such as smoke grenades, simulated battle sounds and mini flares.
Royston ACF has had lots to celebrate in the last two years with five Cadets being sent away to Canada for six weeks to learn all about long range shooting. Two of these Cadets have already been invited back to represent Great Britain under 25s. We have also had multiple gold medals in athletics, football and rugby.
This is achieved by:
• Providing progressive cadet training, often of a challenging and exciting nature, to foster confidence, self-reliance, initiative, loyalty and a sense of service to other people
• Encouraging the development of personal powers of practical leadership and the ability to work successfully as a member of a team
• Stimulating an interest in the Army, its achievements, skills and values
• Advising and preparing those considering a career in the Services or with the Reserve Forces.
Contact our County HQ or drop in and see us
Monday: 7.30 – 9.30pm
Wednesday: 7.30 – 9.30pm