At the start of September, I received an exciting email into my inbox. Sophie, Rhian and I are now all certified Carbon Literate!
But what does this mean? Well, we’re taking responsibility for how our decisions affect the environment and are making conscientious changes to minimise our impact on the planet. You may have seen some of these changes without even realising; including eco-toilet paper and hand towels in our bathroom, recyclable card information panels in our temporary exhibition, and turning preloved items into fun family activities. Over the winter, we’re planning on adding information to our website to share more about the work we’re doing.
As the weather turns cooler, and the Museum quieter after a few very busy months of events, the team have turned their focus to some of the behind-the-scenes jobs we need to do. We’ve recently received a very kind donation of photographs and ephemera from a collector in Royston, many of which we don’t have in our collection. Our volunteers have been sorting out duplicates before scanning and adding them to our catalogue.
On Wednesday 9th October, we’re hosting the Friends of Therfield Heath for an archaeological talk on the heath. The talk is open to all, but seats are limited.
For more information and to book your tickets email: friendsoftherfieldheath@gmail.com
Our October Half Term activities, Witches of Royston, will be running from Saturday 26th October to Sunday 3rd November (Thursday to Sunday, 10am to 4pm).
Keep an eye on our website for all the details.
By Emma Canterbury, Royston Museum Manager