Paul Harris and Ron Sutcliffe are two friends, now retired, who have grown up together and share an interest in Scouting and the outdoor life. Paul is a trustee of the Charity UNCLE (which stands for Uplifting Nepal’s Children with Love and Education).
This is the fifth year we have done a long distance walk to raise money for UNCLE. After completing three island walks around the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight and the Island of Jersey in successive years 2015-17, we undertook, in 2018, our biggest challenge yet by tackling the full 483 miles of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela.
In September, this year, we walked Wainwright’s Coast to Coast walk from St Bees Head on the Irish Sea Coast to Robin Hood’s Bay on the North Sea. The walk was 190 miles and took us through the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors National Parks. We completed it in just twelve days. After our feat of endurance last year, walking the Camino de Santiago and raising £10,000 for UNCLE’s ten year anniversary, we set a more modest target of £2,000 to mark our eleventh year. Currently our total stands at £1,393.
In ten years as a charity, UNCLE has built a church in Southern Nepal, supported two orphanages in Kathmandu, meeting all their living, medical and educational expenses, helped with the aftermath of an earthquake and rebuilt an orphanage damaged by it. Financially we have raised and spent in excess of £300,000… yet the needs remain and we will continue, with the help of our many donors, to do our best to meet them.
You can see a pictorial diary of our journey and donate on the website and many thanks to all those who have donated so far. Alternatively you can send a cheque to 20A Mill Road, Royston, Herts SG8 7AE, made out to UNCLE.