Monthly Update – From Emma, Royston Cave Manager…
On the 24th of March 1603, Queen Elizabeth I died without a direct heir. King James VI of Scotland, her closest relative, became King James I of Scotland and England. He stopped at Royston on 30th April 1603 as he made his way to London for the coronation, staying at Priory House, situated on Kneesworth Street.
He liked the area so much, for its good hunting grounds, that he rented the property for a year, after which he bought and adapted other buildings along the street, eventually owning a small palace, pantry, wardrobe, kitchens and a guardhouse.
He would visit regularly, usually with his closest friends, and this could sometimes put a strain on the local tradesmen and suppliers who were obliged to provide for the king. His last recorded visit was in February 1625, just a month before he died on 27th March 1625.
It has been speculated that James was a Freemason, initiated into the Lodge of Scoon and Perth in 1601. Some believe there are carvings in the cave which could have relevance to masonic rituals, and that the cave could have been a secret place for meetings.
I wonder if James ever visited the cave?!
Public tours begin again on 5th April, on weekend afternoons, please book online:
Contact –
Royston Cave, Melbourn Street, Royston SG8 7BZ