News from our Clubs: Royston & District Probus

At June’s monthly luncheon meeting at Royston Golf Club, 23 members attended and enjoyed a meal, followed by speaker of the day Paul Barwick with an espionage theme covering “Gareth Williams and The Mystery of the Body In The Bag” which was very interesting, thought provoking and even a little frightening.

A group of our members recently took a trip to BT’s Adastral Park to visit the Robotic and Drone Research Centre, where we were given live demonstrations of various robots which are being developed to undertake many of the tasks of providing fibre cable to the customer. We enjoyed demonstrations of various sized drones and their uses, such as building surveys, search and rescue using heat sensitive cameras, traffic management and security, and finally, we had a good look of the proposed Milton Keynes driverless shuttle bus and heard about the challenges regarding safety and guidance.

PROBUS (PROfessional and BUSiness) is a local, national, and international association of retirees who come together in non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit, autonomous clubs which provide regular opportunities for members to meet others in similar circumstances, with similar levels of interest, make new friends, and maintain and expand their interests.

Royston and District Probus Club has 30 members currently, and meets on the second Thursday of every month at Royston Golf Club to enjoy a drink, lunch and convivial conversation. Every second meeting, a speaker is invited to talk about their topic after lunch. Days out are organised during each year and recent visits have been to Westminster Hall, The Secret Underground Bunker, Aldwych Underground Station and the London Kingsway Tram Tunnel and BT Adastral Park Robotics and Drone Lab.
The next event is Summer Luncheon, on Thursday 18th July, which members attend with their wives or partners.

Retirees, or those almost retired, who would like to maintain social activities having found that they miss the day-to-day associations with colleagues would be welcome.

To find out more please contact the Hon Secretary, Geoff Apperley BEM by email or call 07979 101113