News from Icknield Walk First School: Settling back in September 2023… 
Staff at Icknield Walk First School are delighted to welcome their pupils back to school after the summer holidays. Pupils have settled back into the routines of school and are engaged in their learning and having fun.
Nursery children have begun their ‘All About Me’ topic, where they have discussed families and friends and thought about their feelings.
Reception children are learning stories set in woodlands, such as Goldilocks and The Three Bears and The Gruffalo for their ‘Into the Woods’ topic.
In Year 1, the children are learning about ‘Ourselves’. Children will enjoy a walk around our local area to identify key features. They will be learning the traditional story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and using drama to re-tell the story.
Year 2 children will write diaries in the style of Samuel Pepys and build Tudor houses from boxes for their topic of ‘The Great Fire of London’. Pupils will have a visit from a theatre group to help them imagine what life was like during the Great Fire.
Year 3 pupils have begun their ‘British History’ topic. Mrs Jacklin said, “Timelines, artefacts and creative arts will enable our pupils to imagine life from the Stone Age, all the way through to Roman Britain.”
Our Year 4 pupils are already enjoying learning all about The Amazon Rainforest. Mr Taylor said, “During this topic, pupils will study habitats, food chains and South America. They will be looking at all who live in the rain forest and think about deforestation and the impact this is having.”
Icknield Walk First School – Poplar Drive, Royston SG8 7EZ –