NCT Royston

NCT Royston

Walk and Talks are back.

After a 3 month break due to Lockdown, we are happy to announce that from 29th March we will once again offer free walks for small groups of parents in both Royston and the local villages. Walks are listed on both the NCT website ( and our Facebook page, booking is required.

We are always looking for volunteers who would like to lead short walks for parents. “Having a new baby is an isolating time, pandemic or no pandemic, so being able to get out for some fresh air and chat to others experiencing the same is invaluable. Along with having the vital support lines of family and friends cut off, baby groups and classes have stopped during lockdown, which has taken away the means to meet other parents.

The NCT Walk and Talks have been a really lovely way to get some of that back, and there’s no doubt that I and many others would have had a much tougher and darker winter without them.” – Helen

If you’re interested in volunteering please sign up here:

Breastfeeding Drop In.

We are still actively fundraising for this service, but with the funds already raised we are able to start offering free 1-1 breastfeeding support with our local breastfeeding counsellor.

Slots will be available every Friday morning 10-12, and can be booked now via the NCT website and our facebook page ( nctroyston).
Details of how to donate to keep this service running is also available on our facebook page.