My Local Life- The Readers

Nigel and Tracy Reader own and run Borders and Bows, whose showroom in Green Drift is full of beautiful fabrics, wallpapers and lighting.

They are both heavily involved in the local community – Tracy sings in the Church Choir along with their daughter Zoe and helps with theatre productions by CADS and Nigel is a member of the Advisory Council to Royston First, a season ticket holder at Royston Town FC and helps manage Royston Cricket Clubs 3rd XI with their son Owen as well as assisting the youth coaches during Sunday morning coaching sessions at Therfield in the summer.

Where do you live?
Royston, where Nigel has lived for 37 Years and Tracy since we married in 1989.

What’s your favourite local place to eat and drink?
There are so many great places to eat locally, but if pushed for favourites it would have to be The Pig and Abbot for a family meal – great homely food and convivial atmosphere and The Royal Bengal for a takeaway. We also enjoy drinks at Cambridge Wine Bar – just a short walk out in the evening for a drink in pleasant surroundings.

Where do you each like to shop locally?
Nigel – Dysons who have a great range of brands and are ever helpful
Tracy – Andersons Hair and Eden Beauty. I can’t get enough pampering!

What are each of your guilty pleasures?
Nigel – Cricket – watching, playing, organising and facilitating for Royston Cricket Club as well as sneaking off and watching Middlesex CCC at Lords or watching international cricket on TV.
Tracy – Spin Classes and white chocolate (not at the same time!)

What was the last film you watched together?
Paddington 2 at Royston Picture Palace, which is a great local asset and, if you haven’t been, is much better than you think it is.

How do you celebrate?
With a good bottle of wine

How do you each like to spend your days off work?
Nigel – I refer you to my ‘Guilty Pleasures’ answer, as well as watching Royston Town FC at Garden Walk with friends.
Tracy – Singing in the Church Choir at St John the Baptist Church and helping out with CADS whose current pantomime ‘Mother Goose’ has seen me working behind the scenes on ‘props’.  Both of us like to relax in one of the town’s coffee bars with a Cappuccino and a cake and just watch the world go by.

What are your favourite books?
Tracy – anything by James Herbert
Nigel – ‘A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian’ by Marina Lewycka.

What did you each have for your lunch today?
A quick coffee and a sandwich. Sometimes, with a combination of our work and our other interests, lunchtime is just a blur.

What is the best thing about your work?
Tracy – Flexibility – when you work for yourself, you only have to work half days and sometimes you can even choose which twelve hours it is.
Nigel – Seeing projects through from a bare room to a completed vision and seeing inside so many beautiful homes.

Are either of you scared of anything?
Tracy – Snakes
Nigel – Landing … that is to say, I’m not really scared of heights, nor am I especially scared of falling but it’s the bit that comes after that which worries me!

What are you most looking forward to this February?
Nigel – Going away to Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt for a week of R and R and warm sunshine
Tracy – Nigel being away for a week!

Borders & Bows
The Old Maltings, Rear of 3 Green Drift,
Royston, SG8 5DB
01763 241763