The Listing spoke to Steve Moulds, a father of two and happy husband, who lives in Royston. He’s a leader for a local Cub Scout group and Chairman of the Royston Round Table. 
How long have you lived in Royston?
I have lived in Royston for nearly 8 years. We moved here looking for a better quality of community life as I feel community is very important and I try to give back where I can.
Tell us about your role in the Royston Round Table
My role within the Round Table is two-fold; creating a social hub for 18 – 45 year old men to meet, socialise and try things they might not have done otherwise, such as truck driving, archery, and many other things. We also look to raise funds to support local charities and community efforts, whether its projects such as donating food and 250 Easter Eggs to Make Lunch Club and the Food Bank, or making sure all the children of Royston get to see Santa on his sleigh.
What’s your favourite local place to eat?
Royston is blessed with many places to eat and most of a great quality, however for me Ashiana Spice is always my favourite, with great food and always a welcoming vibe.
What is the last book you read?
With Everything I do as a parent, partner and with my community efforts, I don’t find much time to read but the last book I read was “The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy”
What do you love about your work?
I love making a difference, seeing and being involved in the amazing local community that we have here in Royston.
What is your favourite way to spend a Saturday?
I love spending time with those close to me, family and close friends. It does not have to matter what we are doing as long as we do it together and enjoy it.
What is your favourite thing about living in Royston?
There is a lot to love about Royston, and so tricky to put one thing above the rest. That said the vibrant High Street and the fact there is always something going on not too far away.
What is your most valued possession?
I am not that materialistic, things are great, but nothing without my family.
Which four people you would invite to dinner?
Wow a tricky one, but I’d have to go with Brian Johnson from AC/DC, Jon Bon Jovi, Elvis Presley, Winston Churchill.