My Local Life… Stacey Lombari, Pamper Mi Mi 
Stacey Lombari is the owner of Pamper Mi Mi, a beauty salon based in the centre of Royston town, just down from Days Bakery, next to Abbot Travel.
Pamper Mi Mi offers a range of beauty treatments including aesthetics and semi-permanent make-up. It’s important to them that all clients feel comfortable, welcomed and relaxed at all times.
Stacey grew up in Melbourn and moved to Royston when her parents moved abroad back in 2012.
What’s your favourite local place to eat?
I always have a great meal at Flintshack locally but also love a five guys or shake shack. I’m the worst friend to take out for dinner though as I’m that annoying person who wants everything plain!
What’s your favourite local Shop?
The Cave Shop! I love the unique and different items they have there. I definitely don’t shop there enough!
What makes you happy?
I love to make the most of spending time with my kids and husband at the weekends. We love to travel and enjoy a long holiday away together and I always enjoy going out for dinner with my friends.
What does success mean to you?
Success to me is having a dream or goal and being brave enough to take the leap of faith to get started and watching the business grow each month while learning along the way. You don’t have to be a millionaire to be successful.
What is the most challenging aspect of your position?
Keeping on top of the washing and eating too much from Days Bakery! On a serious side the hardest part is working evenings as I miss out on bath and bedtimes with the kids.
What is your most valued possession?
My Grandma’s gold bracelet she wore every day and means a lot to me.
What inspirational quote sums you up?
Everything comes from an idea…..