My Local Life: Pat Duckworth

Give someone 20 minutes to talk about their life and you never know what you might discover! This month, skilled hypnotherapist and author Pat Duckworth tells us a little about herself.

wef-presentation-6Where do you live?
I have lived in Litlington for 16 years now. Before that I lived in Barkway for 20 years. I thought Barkway was quiet until I moved to Litlington!

What’s your favourite local place to eat?
I love Indian food so the answer has to be Yuva in Bassingbourn cum Kneesworth. There’s nothing like the smells and tastes as the food comes sizzling out from the kitchens. The staff are always welcoming and helpful. I am slowly working my way through the menu.

Your favourite Local Shop?
I enjoy looking around Bury Lane Farm shop and meeting friends there for tea and a bun. I remember when it was a basic ‘Pick you Own’ fruit farm but now there is always something new going on there. The food section is amazing.

What is your guilty pleasure?
Chocolate Ginger from Ladds. Chocolate generally is a must but the combination of dark chocolate and hot ginger is compulsory and probably very good for my health.

The last book you read?
The Observations by Jane Harris. I bought it for 50p from the Litlington Book Cafe. That’s where I buy most of my books while I munch through a delicious slice of cake and a cup of tea.

What is your proudest moment?
That’s a tough question. Probably seeing my son graduate as a mental health nurse.

What is your greatest fear?
Not having enough time to do everything I want to do.

What is your favourite film?
The Commitments. It’s funny and I love the music.

What do you love about your work?
Everything! I love helping my clients overcome their problems. I love giving talks and getting a positive reaction from the audience. I love writing books and reaching a wider audience. I love the travelling I do now.

What is your most valued possession?
My computer. It has so much information stored on it.

Best thing that has happened to you recently?
Speaking at a women’s conference in Delhi. 1000 women from 109 different countries wearing a variety of national costumes. It was like being in a tropical bird aviary!

Pat Duckworth
Royston Hypnotherapy
01763 853867
