My Local Life
This month our local life is Ivan Titmuss, the proud owner of The Fox and Duck in Therfield, a pub perfect for those love the countryside, fine food and the warmest of welcomes. Located in the stunning village of Therfield, Hertfordshire, The Fox and Duck is a multi-award winning pub and restaurant that is the centre piece of this community. Situated just three miles from Royston, The Fox and Duck is easily accessible while maintaining its picturesque and tranquil village character. From the rustic charm and open fireplace found in the pub to the scenic village green in front of the pub, this well disguised gastropub is perfect for all.
Where do you live? Therfield
What’s your favourite local place to eat: The Old Bull Inn for lunch and dinner. The Heath Cafe for breakfast and great coffee and cakes in the afternoon.
Favourite shop: Barbara’s Flowers, they supply lovely fresh flowers for the pub.
What makes you happy? Bangkok and Ibiza
What do you love about your work? Lots of things, getting to know all the villagers in Therfield, it’s like they have taken me under their wing. Seeing and hearing the satisfaction when customers have had a great dining experience in the pub. Working with the most motivated, happy and professional team!
Favourite thing to do in Royston? I love Royston Cave and the whole mysterious history behind it. Every time visitors from overseas visit me I take them there; they are always amazed, and I believe it’s historically undervalued. I would love to have applied for the cave guide job if I had more time!
What are you looking forward to most this month? The Fox and Duck’s first beer festival, ‘Foxy Fest’ over the weekend of the 29th and 30th June. On the same day as the Therfield Fete, so much fun to be had in the village that weekend!
What is the most challenging aspect of your position? Keeping the business ahead of the game, by always looking to improve our offering and keeping the highest standards of a country pub.
What has been the most valuable life lessons that you have learned? That I am still learning! That you get out of life what you put in. That life shouldn’t always be about work, but you need to work hard to get ahead in this world. That’s it’s so easy to get caught up in this way of thinking and we should all try and find a life balance, as soon as possible!
Four people you would invite to dinner? Johnny Vegas, Peter Kay, John Wayne and Sara Cox – I want to have fun at the dinner table!
What inspirational quote sums you up? Always look on the bright side of life.