My Local Life: Andy Neal from AMN Plumbing and Heating

Introducing Andy Neal from AMN Plumbing & Heating. Andy is new to the area, having moved here just 11 weeks ago, and we’re delighted that on moving to the area, having received The Listing through his door, he got in touch with us.

Whilst he’s been trading for 40 years, mostly on recommendation, his new location means that he’s looking for more local customers and more local plumbing and heating engineer work.

What are your first impressions having recently moved to this area?
Firstly it’s lovely and the people I’ve met so far are lovely and very kind.

What’s your favourite local place to eat?
I haven’t got through them all yet, but the Jockey and the Old Bull Inn are right up there!

Your favourite local Shop?
I’ve got more than one favourite locally, but I’ve really noticed that the service is so polite!

What makes you happy?
My family. I also pride myself on doing a good job properly, taking pride in it and seeing good customers happy.

What is your favourite way to spend a Saturday?
I love walking over the Heath with my wife and my lovely lil’ dog, and enjoying the Heath cafe.

Night in or night out?
Either will do. I like my music, and can enjoy that in or out.

What is your favourite place in the world?
Jersey in the Channel Islands. It’s my dear mum’s home island and such a beautiful part of the world.

If you ruled the world, what would you do?
Try and show people how to get on! Think of all the money we’d all save if everyone got on in the world.

You can contact Andy Neal from AMN Plumbing and Heating on 07971 568383 or by email, / Facebook @amnplumbingandheating