Mindful Living by Becky, Chanting Stork Yoga: Five Reasons To Be Happy

As we shift into the best 3rd of the year, I find some real satisfaction in reflecting and honouring the summers harvest and metaphorically checking in on the harvest of the goals I’d also set myself too for the year.
Here are my magical milestones for the coming months.
1. The Autumn Equinox. The most perfect time to be inspired by nature’s shift in energy and start to think about how you can nurture yourself and preserve good healthy energy during the cooler months. It arrives on Saturday 23rd September. Not only do temperatures fall, but also plant life slows down and so do we.
2. Autumn Baking. The River Cottage Cookbook comes back out and so do all the apple crumble and chutney recipes. There’s always an abundance of apples (especially around the villages) and there are so many healthy and fun recipes to be made. I rarely leave the house without a spare bag for kindling and tub for blackberries… ooh those first open fires and apple and blackberry crumbles.
3. Back To School. Ok I’m not a kid anymore but I like to see the world through my child’s eyes. The kids get to meet new teachers and reunite with their friends, and us parents, even though we LOVED spending time with our kiddie winks, are very grateful for the routine schools offer all our lives 😉
4. New Habits. September is perfect to get back into health and fitness regimes. Oh yes, even more so than in January. We want to boost our immune system for winter and prepare our energy, so we are shimmering in the darker months. Come and join us for a yoga class at Chanting Stork Yoga!
5. The colours of the trees and the sky. Oh my, they always blow me away. The rainbow of gold, reds and oranges shimmering in the treetops and early evening sunsets. And we get to play with conkers and make leaf mandalas. What’s not to love about this glorious shimmering month!
Peaceful wishes, Becky – Chanting Stork Yoga