June cover images

We’re loving our fabulously brilliant cover images this June!

They’re taken by Sara Walker, who lives in Royston, of her own garden.

After a diagnosis, surgery and radiotherapy five years ago, she needed a distraction to help with her wellbeing/mental health. She went on a lot of walks and really noticed the nature around her and the happy feelings she had, then wanted to bring it home. Sara explains, “After a few pots dotted around of plants I would nurture, I found myself really loving the changes. That’s where my passion all began. I feel I have achieved so much in these last few years and will definitely continue with my passion. My gardens have transformed so much from what they once were, just grass! I basically designed them from little ideas I’d see and adding each idea in phases. I ended up creating my very own sanctuary. My gardens are naturally grown and I encourage all wildlife/insects to home themselves.”

Sara’s garden is indeed an inspiration and a haven for wildlife. After a little encouragement from friends, she created Royston & Surroundings Gardens page on Facebook, where local gardeners share our gardens and ideas: https://bit.ly/RoystonAndSurroundingGardensFBGroup

After the gorgeous Open Gardens in Ashwell last month, as part of Ashwell at Home, this month we are treated to more – at Cokenach Estate and Therfield Village.

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