Home Start Matters

This coming month we have three exciting events for Home Start

Annual General Meeting
We hope you can join us for the perfect opportunity to hear about the difference we are making to families in our local community.
Refreshments will be served prior to the meeting from 7.30pm.
Tuesday 22nd October at 8pm, Melbourn Community Hub, 30 High Street, SG8 6DZ (Parking available in car park opposite)
For for information about what we do, visit www.hsrsc.org.uk or call 01763 262262 or email admin@hsrsc.org.uk

Literary Lunch
Join Jude Simpson and Alison Bruce, author of eight crime novels, for a talk and buffet lunch.
Tickets are £15 via
Thursday 17th October, 1-2pm, The Old Bull Inn, Royston, 56 High Street, Royston, SG8 9AW

Quiz Night
We’re hosting an excellent fundraiser quiz night at Fowlmere Village Hall. What’s more, we’ll have a fully stocked, licensed bar for you to enjoy as well as a raffle.
Tickets are £13.50 per person, including a ploughman’s supper.
Please reserve tickets by Thursday 24th October via www.ticketsource.co.uk/hsrsc
Saturday 26th October at 7pm, Fowlmere Village Hall, Chrishall Road, Fowlmere, Royston SG8 7RY