Be Sustainable in June…

Be Sustainable in June

At last the weather is warmer and the evenings longer. The heating has been off since March, but we don’t need to wear quite so many layers now.

At the end of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend we also celebrate World Environment Day on the 5th. With these two in mind carefully consider your decorations for the main event. If you’re not a whizz with sewing, tie strips of brightly coloured fabric along a length of ribbon or string, or choose recyclable paper bunting instead of plastic. Use compostable or reusable picnic ware for your street party.

Our nearest refill shops are some distance away so to mark World Refill Day on the 16th take your reusable cup to your favourite coffee shop – most of them accept these now. Car share with your friends to pick up a stock of groceries and cleaning products to last you a good while rather than buying smaller quantities from local shops. Sometimes storage is an issue so you could start a small co-operative with your good friend with an empty shed!
National Bike Week is from the 6th to 12th June.

Celebrate by brushing the cobwebs from your trusty steed and pumping up those tyres to get out for a bike ride with the family or a group of friends. Ride to school or work instead of taking the car – if it’s near enough – or pop to the shops by bike if you only need a few items. (You got the big stuff from the refill shop!)

Plant out your sweetcorn and make sure they have support against any harsh winds or rain. Remember those little strawberry plants you put out? They should almost be ready to harvest now and enjoy in all sorts of wonderful summery desserts.

Happy Jubilee!

Sustain-Ability Team