Barley Flower Tower

Barley Flower Tower

The Barley Flower Tower has been in place for over two months now, and there has been a constant flow of visitors. Our very popular pigeon now has a name…Peter the Pigeon, named by Tracy in the ‘Name that Pigeon’ competition at ‘Barley Unlocked’, the first village get together on the Plaistow since lock down began, which took place on the last day of July.

The Flower Tower has taken quite a battering from the extreme weather conditions this summer. Storm Evert did its worst and the netting has had to be repaired twice. The first

time our Bell ringing tower captain came to the rescue as high winds had ripped the netting that the flowers are attached to, as he hauled the net up to the top of the tower two visitors helped to secure the rest of the net and stop it from flying away. The second gusts of wind to rip the net further down resulted in both the tower captain and the steeple keeper hauling even more of the net to the top of the tower and mending it by stitching it back together on the top of the tower with paracord. Such super heroes!

Our pop up events have also continued including a Teddy Bear’s Picnic in the churchyard with stories and songs and parachute games for the children and the teddies.

The question of what to do with the Flower Tower when it is taken down at the end of September has been asked. Would you like to buy a meter or more of the net of flowers to drape over your shed or fence, or maybe you know someone who plans events in marquees or barns that would like to drape it around the walls as decoration? If you have any suggestions of what we could do with it please email

At the time of writing we have reached 24% of our just giving target so if you have visited the Barley Flower tower and it has made you smile PLEASE donate to www.justgiving/fundraising/barleyflowertower to help us install a toilet, a kitchen and improved disabled access to Barley Church to make it a useable resource for the whole village.

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