It has been an ultra busy time for a local community project which hosted its third seasonal Craft Fair and welcomed an unusual type of painting to its now well established Art Gallery over the last week.
Crowds poured into the Melbourn Community Hub at the weekend to support the many interesting stall holders, some of whom had travelled from across neighbouring counties to present their Christmas wares. They were treated to an exciting selection of quality handmade articles including jewellery, decorations, greeting cards, and household items. The barista cafe was open for hot drinks and snacks.
Stallholders and the public alike commented on the happy atmosphere and the quality of the venue.
The Fair was hosted jointly with the Emmerson Trust, a charity which assists with the terrible sudden cardiac deaths of under 35’s, and was set up in memory of Nicola who tragically died whilst celebrating her 20th. birthday. Julie Emmerson, Nicola’s mother who initiated the Trust, represented the Charity with a wonderful fund raising display of her vivid colourful Christmas decorations.
Earlier in the week talented Yasmeen Farooqui introduced a new concept in art to The Hub’s now highly acclaimed Atrium Gallery. She is exhibiting a stunning collection of prints created through a mix of art and technology.
” I am using computer manipulation in conjunction with traditional techniques to produce images which are turned into giclee prints. They are still limited editions as I destroy the files after the allocated numbers have been produced”, Yasmeen explains.
John Travis, chair of the Hub Trustees group says “The Hub continues to offer excitement to suit virtually every taste. The Craft Fair showcased the skills of a wide range of individuals, whilst the magnificent work of Yasmeen is indeed stunning and needs to be seen to be properly appreciated. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to making this yet another wonderful week for the Hub. We are now completing the finishing touches to our now celebrated annual ‘Turn on to Christmas’ event, which is presented in conjunction with the Melbourn Fete Committee, for Saturday 30th November, and includes the children’s Santa’s Grotto from 11 am. At just £5 entry per child it represents great value, with each child leaving with a good quality present. From 4pm the Festive tempo increases with exciting activities for children, the licensed Barista cafe serving up mince pies and mulled wine,with a Christmas raffle, music, singing and culminating in the grand switching on of the Tree lights at 6pm.”
We ask all those interested in this grand day to please contact the Hub management to book your space on 01763 263303″
Photographs and text: Clive Porter