The Big Step Out – You’re Invited, 12th-25th June

The BIG STEP OUT! 12th-25th June – You are invited to join The Big Step Out! this summer, our national campaign to celebrate carers and the people they care for as well as raising funding for our Stepping Out walks.  It’s time to let unpaid carers know they are not invisible to the wider society as they so often feel.

Walk, wheel, dance, run, trot, play… wherever you are with friends or alone and contribute your steps to our Grand Total.  We’ll update that total daily. Dogs’ steps count too.  Football clubs can send their match steps, marathoners their running steps, wheelchair users their rotations, horses their hack steps, Strictly fans their dance steps, and in work their office steps, we’ll take any and all steps for the cause.

You will be giving real support to the UK’s 10 million unpaid carers who look after someone at home, sometimes without respite, often alone and invisible.

WHEN? Any time between 12th – 25th June.

HOW TO TAKE PART?  Go for a walk or whatever activity it maybe, count the steps or wheel revolutions of everyone involved and send us the details.  Add your photos and tell us your story.

TheBigStepOut – June 2023 Margaret House Residential & Dementia Care Staff, Home Residents and children from Barley Federation School managed a fantastic 41,910 steps between.

Send them with the hashtag #STEPOUT24 to: 

Insta @carersstepoutukX/

X @carersstepout

Facebook @carerssteppingout 

LinkedIn @Carerssteppingout

For those not on social media you can email

“Every Adventure Begins with The First Step”

For more information or to make a donation visit: