Boosting Immunity: Winter Warriors

Boosting Immunity: Winter Warriors

This is a great time of the year to get into some new habits not only to ‘boost’ our immunity but to sustain it so that we are in the best possible shape on the inside as well as the outside.

It’s a little known fact but actually at least 70% of our immune tissue is located in our digestive system, so it makes complete sense to consider what we put into our bodies alongside a balanced base of exercise and movement. I know this seems like old hat but we actually want lots of good vitamins to support white blood cell generation, let’s call these blood cells our ‘Winter Warriors’, to fight off invaders and pathogens.

Your gut immune system needs to be thriving and healthy in order to avoid illness so over the next two issues, enjoy my top life hacks to enable you to treat your body like the temple of your soul 😉

Go Wild on Veg
I challenge you to over indulge in veg, in fact treat it like an eating competition to eat as much veg as possible, raw is great, steamed, roasted or boiled, go for it…. Whilst you’re going wild on veg, consider a week with no alcohol, sugar and anything processed to remove irritants from your system and make space for plenty of healing, nourishing vitamins from veg instead. Trust me I’ve done it and it feels great!

Food with Medicinal Properties
Nature actually has more answers to health than we realise. All the following are great ingredients to seek out and find, include and cook with….Turmeric, Garlic, Chillies and Green Tea are amongst the best!
I’m a big fan of Turmeric as it contains bioactive compounds, namely curcumin, that carries strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Check out my favourite immune boosting ‘Golden Soup’ recipe, with its cosy, bright healing powers:

With love,
Becky x
Experienced Yoga Teacher, Chanting Stork Yoga
Look out for more immunity boosting tips in October’s Listing